GrillGrate Panel Kit for Weber Genesis with GrateTool

GrillGrate Panel Kit for Weber Genesis with GrateTool

Product Details

Original Price: Current Price: $197.99

Grill Model
  • Ships Internationally
  • Located in the USA
    Made in the USA

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Additional Information

Suppliers for the BBQ Culinary Arts

Transform your Weber Genesis into the ultimate grilling powerhouse with the GrillGrate Panel Kit. Engineered to address common issues such as hot and cool spots, as well as flare-ups, these grill grates ensure even and stable temperatures across the entire cooking surface.

Custom-designed as a drop-in replacement for the stock Weber Genesis grates, this kit offers hassle-free installation and immediate improvement in your grilling experience. With the included GrateTool, managing flare-ups and achieving perfectly cooked meals becomes effortless. Whether you're searing steaks or grilling vegetables, the GrillGrate Panel Kit for Weber Genesis elevates your barbecue game to new heights of precision and performance.

GrillGrate Panel Kit for Weber Genesis with GrateTool Options

Genesis II 200-Series Set includes three (3) GrillGrates measuring 18.8" long and 5.25" wide, (2) gap panels measuring 18.8" long and 2.33" wide, and a GrateTool™.

Genesis II 300-Series Set includes five (5) GrillGrates measuring 18.8" long and 5.25" wide and a GrateTool™.

Genesis II 400-Series Set includes six (6) GrillGrates measuring 18.8" long and 5.25" wide, a single gap panel measuring 18.8" long and 2.33" wide, and a GrateTool™.

Suppliers for the Outdoor Culinary Arts

Weber Genesis Custom GrillGrates | Product Roundup by All Things Barbecue

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